* All Courses are registered with the SCCCCD for 5 hours. of Child Development.Instructions: 1. Select the course that you want to take based on the number of Participants. 2. Select the course book that corresponds to the number of Participants. 3. Complete registration / credit card information. 4. If you register for multiple courses using the same credit card, we will bill your credit card only once for the total amount. 5. Click on "Submit" only once. 6. If you have any questions or problems, please call us at 704-632-5459 for assistance.
*Please complete and submit another registration form if you are
registering different participants for each workshop.
*Your credit card will be billed one time for the total amount.
*To purchase with $servicefirstedu please call 704-632-5459.
Please Note:
Credit Card Number, 3 Digit Card Code, Expiration Date,
CardHolder's Address, Card Holder's Zip Code, and Card Holder's
Name must be submitted in order to complete registration
and receive email confirmation.
Please note:
1. Review the information you entered on the form before
you click the submit button.
2. Click the submit button only once.
3. After you click the submit button, a "Form Confirmation" page
showing the information that you entered will appear.
Please review the information and print a copy for your records. This
is not an official confirmation.
4. After your credit card is processed, an official confirmation
along with a copy of your credit card receipt will be sent
to the email address entered on your form within 24 hours.
Thank you, and we appreciate your business.
Service First Online Response Team